Alex Ward for Barrow
County Commission District 4
Smart, Responsible Growth
As Barrow County continues to experience rapid growth, the steps we take in this moment will shape the county for the next several decades. Now is the time for leaders who can help guide this growth in a smart and responsible manner.
As the newest member of the Barrow County Commission, Alex has already begun fighting for smart, responsible growth.
Countdown to Election Day
Alex was born and raised in Gwinnett County. After graduating from law school at Georgia State University, Alex bought a house in unincorporated Barrow County. In the few years since Alex has made Barrow County his home, he has already seen the explosive growth taking place here. He is excited to see that growth reach its maximum potential while preserving the features of the county that have appealed to both life long residents and its newest citizens.
Pictures from the swearing-in after our special election.